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Case Teaching and Learning in the Age of Generative AI

Case Teaching and Learning in the Age of Generative AI

Project Leader: James WONG
School: School of Humanities and Social Science (SHSS), Academy of Interdisciplinary Studies (IPO)
Department: Division of Public Policy (PPOL)
Project Year: 2023/24
Duration: 2023-2024
Description: This project aims to explore the potential of generative AI tools in enriching case-based pedagogy. The project investigates how to utilize generative AI tools to design and implement innovative class activities and assessments that enhance case-based pedagogy. In the applied courses, students no longer analyze from prescribed cases supplied by instructors but design and develop their own brand-new cases for analysis. For case development, generative AI tools are being used to simulate data collection through interviewing relevant actors to a controversial social issue or public policy. For case analysis, generative AI tools are being used to create sample written work that provokes debates and discussions. Students will present and critically review the findings and written work from generative AI tools, produce video cases and case-based analyses as well as reflect on their learning experiences.
Status: Ongoing
Type of Innovation: Course Design


Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year