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From Ideas to Action: Planning for sustainable CSR

From Ideas to Action: Planning for sustainable CSR

Project Leader: Dr Mary HO
School: School of Business & Management
Department: Management (MGMT)
Funding Year: 2014/15

The objectives of the experiential learning project are as follows:

  • To enable students to recognize the CSR challenges face by businesses and understand stakeholder impacts of their actions
  • To facilitate students’ application of classroom-learnt knowledge to real life context in creative forms; and
  • To enhance students’ leadership skills and teamwork ability

  • The learning outcomes of the project are as follows:
  • To be able to recognize the key sustainability topics and high-priority issues of businesses to be socially responsible and sustainable
  • To be able to diagnose the CSR issues and understand the challenges of creating shared value
  • To be able to enhance an entrepreneurial mind-set and design effective and innovative solutions in a professional and persuasive manner

Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: Experiential Learning
Project leader
Type of innovation
Project year