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Student Research and Writing Advisory Tutorials: a multi-faculty TD Project

Student Research and Writing Advisory Tutorials: a multi-faculty TD Project

Project Leader: "Prof Barry SAUTMAN, Prof James LEE"
School: School of Humanities & Social Science
Department: Social Science (SOSC), Humanities (HUMA)
Funding Year: 2014/15

The project proposes to address the following learners' needs:

  • Undergraduate students taking HSS courses need to develop their research skills systematically through a step by step approach. Hence, we are devising a “think and write” tutorial series to enhance students’ ability to conduct small-scale independent research; in parallel, we have improved our awareness of the learning needs of students through a time-lapsed assessment of the extent to which they can achieve this particular Intended Learning Outcome (ILO)
  • Undergraduate students taking HSS courses need to gradually equip themselves with stronger professional writing ability in order to attain a decisive advantage in their future employment and postgraduate study; however, few instructors in HUMA and SOSC can afford to use more than one class meeting to teach students how to write, even though most HSS courses share the ILO on strengthening students’ writing communication skills. To that end, our project can well provide the content-instruction of HSS undergraduate courses through assistance to students in analytic writing
  • Undergraduate students working with HSS faculty as junior Research Assistants (RA) need to demonstrate basic research skills in order to carry out their tasks well. The proposed project can also help them get up to speed on research skills
Status: Completed
Type of Innovation: eLearning
Type of innovation
Project year